View all the current publication from the Council for Economic Education. These publications range in grade from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Click on the links below to filter the publications or click on the book cover to view the publication on the Council for Economic Education's Online Store.
Advanced Placement 4th Edition Macroeconomics Teacher Manual
The 4th edition of AP Economics reflects the adjustments in the AP Course Outlines and Exams in the years since the publication of the 3rd edition.
Advanced Placement 4th Edition Microeconomics Teacher Manual
The 4th edition of AP Economics reflects the adjustments in the AP Course Outlines and Exams in the years since the publication of the 3rd edition.
Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics - Teacher's Guide
This publication contains complete instructions for teaching the lessons in Capstone. When combined with a textbook, Capstone provides activities for a complete high school economics course. 45 exemplary lessons help students learn to apply economic reasoning to a wide range of real-world subjects.
Connecting the Pieces: Building a Better Economics Lesson
This 8-chapter guide for curriculum developers and teachers covers integrating economics across the K-12 curriculum; effective teaching strategies; models for active teaching and learning; basics in lesson writing; and classroom assessment.
Economics in Action: 14 Greatest Hits for Teaching High School Economics
Economics in Action combines 14 favorite CEE simulations, role-playing activities, group activities and classroom demonstrations in one volume.
Energy, Economics, and the Environment: Case Studies and Teaching Activities for High School
This publication helps students analyze energy and environment issues from an economics perspective.
Entrepreneurship Economics
Entrepreneurship Economics introduces high school students to entrepreneurship through a resource market simulation, which demonstrates how entrepreneurship promotes economic activity and benefits society.
Financial Fitness for Life: 9-12 - Teacher Guide
This publication contains lessons for teaching personal finance concepts to 9-12 students. Lessons for older students illustrate certain uses of more abstract representations.
Financial Fitness for Life: Test Examiner's Manual - Grades 9-12
These grades 9-12 assessments can be used with Financial Fitness for Life or any other curriculum materials you're using to teach personal finance. You'll measure your students' progress in four key areas of personal finance: earning an income, saving, spending and credit, and money management.
Financing Your Future - DVD
This is a complete personal finance program on DVD for high school teachers and their students. This personal finance program contains five videos that cover topics such as investing in one's own human capital, developing a banking relationship, understanding credit and debt, and creating a budget.
Focus: Economic Systems
Students use a comparative approach to explore concepts and materials that are frequently neglected in other economics courses. An introductory essay provides background information to the 12 classroom-ready lessons.
Focus: Globalization
This publication contains 12 lessons to help you integrate globalization concepts into your Social Studies, Economics, or Global Studies course.
Focus: Institutions and Markets
This publication provides lessons that use history, civics, government and economics activities to bring to life the institutions students read and hear about everyday.
Focus: International Economics
The study of international economic systems teaches about global production and competition, exchange rates, international finance, free trade vs. protectionism and economic development.
Focus: Understanding Economics in Civics and Government
This publication contains 20 lessons designed to provide an economic insight into topics typically covered in may civics and government classes.
Focus: Understanding Economics in U.S. History
Focus: Understanding Economics in U.S. History uses a unique mystery-solving approach to teach U.S. economic history to your high school students.
From Plan to Market: Teaching Ideas for Social Studies, Economics, and Business Classes
Drawing on data from the World Bank's "World Development Report 1996," this guide focuses on the transition from central planning to markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the independent states of the former Soviet Union and China.
High School Economics, 3rd Edition
Teaching Economics in Grades 9-12? We can help with all new edition of High School Economics. This new and revised edition will bring economic concepts to life!
Learning, Earning and Investing for a New Generation
This publication contains 21 lessons that provide active learning experiences to help students master the basics of investing. Lessons cover basics such as the language of financial markets, gathering information on investments, and the nature of financial institutions in the U.S. economy.
The lessons presented in this book are designed to take full advantage of the Council for Economic Education?s free online game, Gen i Revolution. Download the Integration Guide to see the correspondence between Gen i Revolution missions and the print lessons in Learning, Earning, and Investing for a New Generation.
Mathematics & Economics: Connections for Life - 9-12
Created specifically for high school mathematics teachers, this publication shows how mathematics concepts and knowledge can be used to develop economic and personal financial understandings.
National Standards for Financial Literacy
The National Standards for Financial Literacy provide a framework for teaching personal finance in kindergarten through 12th grade. A student who masters the knowledge embodied in the standards should be able to avoid making poor financial decisions, understand the economic reasons behind the trade-offs between financial choices, and know the basis for their own decisions.
Teaching Financial Crises
Teaching Financial Crises is an eight lesson resource that provides an organizing framework in which to contextualize all of the media attention that has been paid to the recent financial crisis, as well as put it in a historical context. The current events stories, opinion pieces, and other popular media pieces that are today in great supply have generally not connected to educational objectives, historical analysis, and economic processes and concepts that are used in the high school classroom. In Teaching Financial Crises, teachers will find a non-partisan and non-ideological resource to help them simplify and offer balanced perspectives on this challenging subject matter.
Teaching the Ethical Foundations of Economics
This publication contains 10 lessons that reintroduce an ethical dimension to economics in the tradition of Adam Smith, who believed ethical considerations were central to life.
The Great Economic Mysteries Book: A Guide to Teaching Economic Reasoning, Grades 9-12
High school students solve engaging mysteries about current events, government and the environment by responding to hints and by applying an economic way of thinking.
Trading Around the World
Created as a supplement to existing middle school world geography and world history courses, the 5 units in this guide introduce students to the basics of global trade.
What Personal Finance Is About: The Economics of Financial Decision Making
This thorough and concise guide on the fundamentals of personal finance is an ideal addition to K-12 classrooms. Elementary teachers can use this resource to walk their students through an introduction to personal finance, and middle and high school teachers can use it as a student reader. Using easy-to-understand examples, students explore important personal finance content and terminology, and discover how to apply today's economic principles to daily life.